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Federal & State Grants



Mt. Vernon ISD will apply for the TEA 2022-2025 School Safety Standards Grant by February 17, 2023. This grant will allow spending on a variety of security-related items identified by the needs of the school district to comply with 19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities, 61.1031, School Safety Requirements. The expected entitlement is $200,000. 

The public may provide public input at the following Google link:




Grant Program Intent & Purpose Entitlement Planned Expenditures
ESSA Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs

To provide all children with significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. Mt. Vernon ISD implements a schoolwide program (SWP). 


ESSA Title II, Part A –Supporting Effective Instruction

To increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards; improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; increase the number of effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and school leaders. 


ESSA Title III, English Language Acquisition

To provide supplemental services that improve the English language proficiency and academic achievement of ELs, including through the provision of language instruction educational programs (LIEPs) and activities that increase the knowledge and skills of teachers who serve ELs. 


ESSA Title IV – Student Support and Academic Enrichment

To increase the capacity of local educational agencies to provide all students access to a well-rounded education, improve academic outcomes by maintaining safe and healthy students, and improve the use of technology to advance student academic achievement. 






















Grant Program Intent & Purpose Entitlement Planned Expenditures

2022-2024 Silent Panic Alert Technology Grant

To provide grant funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) to purchase silent panic alert technologies for campuses as a measure of school safety. Silent panic alert technology is generally defined as a silent system signal generated by the activation of a device, either manually or through software applications, intended to signal a life-threatening or emergency situation (such as an active shooter, intruder, or other emergency situation) requiring a response from law enforcement and/or other first responders.


2022-2025 School Safety Standards Formula Grant

To assist LEAs in meeting the new school safety standards and to include other security-related costs like metal detectors, cameras, and monitoring tools such as those allowed under the school safety allotment, the SB500 school safety and security grant, and the silent panic alert technology grant.
The purpose of this project is to first allow LEAs to implement the new safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner's Rules. Generally, allowable safety standards activities include procurement and installation of:
•    fencing, 
•    exterior doors, 
•    glass doors not within a secured area, 
•    ground level exterior windows, 
•    silent panic alert technologies, and 
•    other required rule components around emergency responder radios, exterior door numbering, and exterior secure master key lock boxes.























State Compensatory Education Allotment (SCE)

Under Section 29.081 of the Texas Education Code (TEC), compensatory education is defined in law as programs and/or services designed to supplement the regular education program for students identified as educationally disadvantaged and at risk of dropping out of school. The purpose of the SCE allotment is to increase academic achievement and reduce the dropout rate of students identified as at risk of dropping out of school based on one of the 15 eligibility criteria identified in TEC, §29.081(d).

Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment (IMTA)

The Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment (IMTA) can be used to purchase instructional materials; technological equipment; certain related software, systems, and services; and salaries for specific technical support employees, as described in Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 31 Instructional Materials and Texas Administrative Code §66.1307.

Each district and open-enrollment charter school is entitled to an instructional materials allotment amount determined biennially by the commissioner and based on the legislative appropriation. These funds become available after September 1 of each odd-numbered year. The allotment is accessed through EMAT (must obtain EMAT access and complete the training and prerequisites first).