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Welcome to MVISD!

Please use the tabs below for more information about enrollment. If you encounter any issues or have questions please email



    To be classified as new to the district, a student must NOT have been enrolled in a Mount Vernon ISD school at any point. To enroll your child as a new student in Mount Vernon ISD, please complete the following steps: If you need help while registering, please contact the district registrar at the administration building.

    STEP 1:

    To begin the online enrollment process, create a Parent Portal account.

    • One Parent Portal account is used for all of your students attending MVISD. If you already have a student at MVISD please use the same account.
    • The Parent Portal link is: Parent Portal

    Choose to Enroll a New Student.

    STEP 2:

    The following documents can be uploaded to Parent Portal, emailed to, or delivered in person to the district registrar at the administration building:

    • Proof of Residency (Tab above for more info)
    • Immunization Records (Shot records)
    • Birth Certificate
    • Social Security Card
    • Picture ID of Person Enrolling
    • If applicable:
      • Custody/Court Documents
      • Foster Care Forms
      • Last Report Card/Unofficial Transcript
      • Withdrawal Form from Prior District (if available)
      • PK - documentation of qualifying criteria

    STEP 3:

    Once the Enroll a New Student Process is completed please contact the district registrar at the administration building.

    Enrollment is NOT complete until the documentation is reviewed and processed by District staff.

  • Uploading Documents:

    If you do not have access to a scanner you can still submit your required documents.

    How to scan documents on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

    You can use the Notes app to scan documents and add signatures on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

    Scan a document

      1. Open Notes and select a note or create a new one.
      2. Tap the Camera button camra, then tap Scan Documents scan document.
      3. Place your document in view of the camera.
      4. If your device is in Auto mode, your document will automatically scan. If you need to manually capture a scan, tap the Shutter button shutter button or one of the Volume buttons. Then drag the corners to adjust the scan to fit the page, then tap Keep Scan.
      5. Tap Save or add additional scans to the document.

    How to scan documents with an Android:

    1. Open the Google Drive app google drive.
    2. In the bottom right, tap Add add.
    3. Tap Scanscan .
    4. Take a photo of the document you'd like to scan.
      • Adjust scan area: Tap Crop crop.
      • Take photo again: Tap Re-scan current page re scan.
      • Scan another page: Tap Add add.
    5. To save the finished document, tap Done done.
  • During Re-Enrollment, all students are required to provide proof of residence (POR). Approved proof of residency documents (see list below) must show the student's current address.

    Approved Forms of Proof of Residency

    Proof of Residency must be provided with one of the following items listed belowEach item must show a service address and parent name.

    • Electric Bill
    • Gas Bill
    • Water Bill
    • Lease Agreement - newly established residency within the last 30 days (also used when you do not have a utility bill and the lease states bills are paid by lessor)
      • The lease agreement must:
        • list the student occupants
        • show a beginning and ending date
        • include the address of the property with signatures from both the lessor and leasee

    Submitting Proof of Residency

    Proof of Residency may be submitted electronically or in person at your home campus.

    • Online Submission- Upload files to ParentPortal account.
    • Email Submission – Email and attach Proof of Residency. Student Names must be included in the email.
    • In-Person Submission – Bring Proof of Residency to the administration building.

    Additional Information on POR

    Changes to Primary Residency
    If the primary residence changes after a proof of residency has been submitted to the campus, the parent/guardian must notify the campus.

    Have Questions, Need More Assistance? Please contact the district registrar at 903-537-9924.